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Jul 11 2024

Celebrations of Learning

Cecilia PEI

At BCIS, the end of the school year is always filled with the demonstration and celebration of the variety of enriching, inquiry-based learning achievements of our students throughout the year. In the final month of the 2023/24 academic year, we witnessed a range of impressive events: Secondary School project exhibitions, the "Celebration of Growth" at the ECC, the PYP Exhibition, captivating artistic performances, and moving-up ceremonies. These events showcased the students’ growth as outlined in the IB learner profiles, demonstrating inquiry, reflection, open-mindedness, and being caring. The BCIS community has had the privilege of witnessing and supporting these important, rewarding, and heartwarming milestones in the students' learning journeys.

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In the ECC Kindergarten, each class held a "Celebration of Growth", where students' projects were displayed on the fourth floor of the ECC throughout the week. After singing for their parents, the children guided them through the exhibits, sharing their learning achievements. They also played a “Who Am I?” game, where children described their unique traits on colorful cards, and parents had to identify their child based on these clues.

"My superpower is dancing", "I am scared of snakes", "I want to learn about English", "My favorite thing about school is my teachers", "To make the world a better place I would recycle things," were all statements that reflected the children’s learning from the PYP transdisciplinary themes at the ECC: understanding that each individual is unique, continually growing, respectful of differences , caring, and realizes that personal actions can impact the world.

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"The children spoke in English, sang, and introduced their work to the parents with courage, confidence, and excellent communication skills," said Principal Jackie. Jackie read the book "Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend!" to the children, understanding the book’s themes of saying goodbye to past journeys and embracing future growth as they listened attentively on the carpet.

At the BCIS Elementary School, the end of the school year always culminates in showcases of inquiry-based learning achievements. After months of careful preparation, G5 students completed their PYP exhibition projects, not only tpresenting their learning outcomes but also marking a significant milestone in their inquiry-based learning journey. Students independently explored various global issues based on Sustainable Development Goals and personal interests.

From mental health and environmental protection to design challenges and specific industry scenarios, students formulated Central Ideas and developed Lines of Inquiry (LOI) to devise solutions. For instance, under the Central Idea of "Reusing plastic in the environment and its effects on human health," students investigated Lines of Inquiry such as "How plastic affects our health," "Ways we can reuse plastic," and "Inform and persuade others to reduce the use of plastic". To address these issues, they designed interactive games, created promotional videos, and authored storybooks to encourage reduced plastic consumption.

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Kate, reflecting on her project participation, highlighted how her past learning experiences aided her development of inquiry skills. "In lower grades, teachers defined the Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry. As we progressed, tasks became more complex, requiring greater independence," Kate explained. "Last semester, we independently pursued a Line of Inquiry under a Central Idea. In this final project exhibition, we proposed and completed both the Central Idea and three Lines of Inquiry ourselves, while also considering the best ways to present our findings."

The ability to identify, pose, and solve problems, as well as take action in response to various phenomena and challenges, is nurtured through the PYP learning journey at BCIS. The school believes that continually evolving Approaches to Learning and methodologies, such as critical thinking, communication, social skills, research, and self-management, serve as transferable skills to equip students for broader academic and life challenges ahead.

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In addition to the project exhibition, members of the Elementary School also brought the community together with the performance of the musical "Peter Pan" at the end of the academic year. This student-planned and directed performance not only symbolized the conclusion of the school year but also held profound significance, as half of the proceeds will fund next year's musical production, while the other half will be donated to the  Holt International Foundation of China to support the child with leukemia.

During his speech at the Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, Principal Fred said, "I have really seen your diversity of interests and passions. You shared your passion for action and really wanted to raise awareness for the important topics that you chose, and you really wanted to help everybody make a difference...Lastly, another amazing exceptional quality that you've exhibited this year is your leadership. If you remember at the beginning of the year, I challenged the grade fives to be the role models. I have to say you were confident and were willing to take risks but were also humble in this endeavor.”

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Throughout the heartfelt ceremony, G5 students took the stage one by one to receive their graduation certificates amidst applause and cheers from parents, teachers, and peers. This moment not only marks their transition from elementary to middle school but also celebrates their past learning journeys and memories.