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May 02 2019


Greg Choi

To commemorate all the hard work and achievements done to reach this very inspiring point in their lives, we recently bid farewell to the Class of 2019 at BCIS. As is part of our annual tradition at the school, the day commenced with a senior lunch provided by the wonderful PTA members to show their appreciation to both the children and their teachers for reaching this milestone. With bellies full, the day ended when the entire school formed a human path starting from the Secondary School building until the Sunken Plaza, which both Grade 12 students and their younger peers in Grade 5 walked together in solidarity. As they reached their destination, they were met by a student band that serenaded them with some melodies that reminded them of the cherished memories they made during their time at BCIS. After powerful speeches were given by Ms. Julie Lawton, Head of School, and Mr. Mark Sullivan, Secondary School Principal, all the community members properly sent off the Grade 12 students on the next part of their journeys.

We would like to wish the Class of 2019 the best of luck on their final exams of high school and all their future endeavors. Jiayou!

(Please click on one of the links below to see a video of the day)


