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Feb 14 2019


Greg Choi

On February 1, BCIS held its fourth annual, student-led Chinese Calligraphy competition in the gym. After a short opening ceremony that included a rousing speech by Grade 12 student Abraham You, the students and staff members set off around the numerous tables according to their house color to create masterpieces and submit them after completion. Participants were allowed to write or draw freely on their canvases. Many of the students, teachers, and staff members came up with interesting ideas to put down on paper, including paintings of birds, cartoonish faces, poetry, old proverbs, and more. Even those too shy to attempt traditional Chinese style writing showed their creativity in the category of Western Style Calligraphy, which was added last year.

Walking around the sprawling gym buzzing with activity, the enthusiasm everyone possessed for this traditional art form was palpable. In addition to this, the competition was another great way for the BCIS community to celebrate the school's deep Chinese roots before the CNY holiday. Congratulations to the organizers and all the participants!