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Jan 24 2019


Greg Choi

With the new year commencing, it is common for people to make new year's resolutions. One of the most popular goals is, of course, getting into shape. With this in mind, as well as knowing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle from their learning in class, the Grade 4 students, along with their PE teachers, recently provided FREE personal training sessions to all willing participants. For the whole day event, the students turned the gym into their very own "Warrior Den." With the perfect environment created, they turned other grade level students, teachers, parents, and staff members into true Spartan Warriors within a short time!

According to David Cooney, Elementary School Physical Education Teacher, the "Grade 4 students have been inquiring into the Health and Fitness world and would like to TAKE ACTION by getting you from Zeros into Heroes." He also enthusiastically mentioned, "Remember, swole is the goal, size is the prize, it's gainz o'clock – it's warrior time!"

With such persuasion, every participant took a leap of faith to make a positive change in their lives and stepped into the Warrior Den to follow this simple process:

  1. First be assigned a trainer.
  2. Take a fitness test.
  3. Have their data interpreted and deduced by the trainer to see what area of fitness they need to work on.
  4. Sweat, sweat, and sweat some more for 40 full minutes, while receiving invaluable health and fitness advice from their trainer throughout the entire session.

Indeed, from what was observed on the day, all participants and trainers immersed themselves in the world of fitness to make these work out sessions an excellent start to becoming healthy and strong in the Year of the Pig.