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Nov 02 2018


Greg Choi

The Secondary School (SS) Individuals and Societies Department and the SS Library Team would like to invite you to our third Pecha Kucha community stories event! We welcome all students, parents, and teachers interested in listening to stories from our BCIS community and all of those who may be interested in presenting.

Our Pecha Kucha events are informal and fun gatherings where BCIS community members can get together to share ideas, passions, hobbies, interests, holidays – just about anything really – in an organized and timed format. Past presentation topics include scuba diving, figure skating, fitness, healthy habits, living in Germany, Punch and Judy puppets, cooking Thai food, traveling to Bali, and many others!

The presentation follows a 20 images x 20 second format to allow each speaker a designated amount of speaking time.

The event is being held in the BCIS Secondary School Library on November 20 from 15:30 – 17:30. If you are interested in presenting at this event, please contact Mr. Catlin Adams by email at catlin.adams@bcis.cn. We are looking for a total of 10 presenters. All stories are welcome!