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Oct 31 2018


Greg Choi

The BCIS mission is to challenge and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world.

On a sunny and beautiful October 23, the BCIS Community proudly hosted the Terry Fox Run once again. Students, parents, teachers, and staff members gathered together to celebrate the life of the courageous and inspiring Terry Fox, who at just the age of just 19, was diagnosed with cancer. Far from falling into despair over his illness, and even after having one leg amputated as a result of his condition, he embarked on one of the most amazing feats of sporting solidarity ever seen in our times --- his "Marathon of Hope." Unfortunately, his illness prevented him from getting to his ultimate destination. Nonetheless, Fox left a lasting and extraordinary legacy in the form of an annual run taking place in more than 60 countries worldwide.

To date, BCIS has raised more than 1,000,000 RMB for cancer research, doing our small part in helping the larger community. This year, through a series of activities, including our bald-a-thon fundraiser, t-shirt sales, donations, and biathlon (a new annual tradition), we have raised over 111,000 RMB! Please stay tuned to learn the total amount gathered this year by the BCIS Family.

ECC Terry Fox Run

BCIS Terry Fox Run