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Oct 26 2018


Greg Choi

On Friday, October, 19, the Assistant Dean from The Queensland University of Technology (QUT), along with four of the school's students, held an interactive business workshop at the BCIS Main Campus. Many students from various international schools in Beijing joined the event. The workshop included real-life case studies that required business analysis, calculation on financial data, tips for building a perfect business plan, and techniques for delivering a successful presentation.

Some presenters in the workshop have gained great success in other business competitions, while others have already gained experience in the real business world. Together, they offered participants comprehensive perspectives with vivid examples on various business concepts. Students actively engaged with the workshop leaders by asking questions and solving financial questions together.

In order to gain a better understanding of what was taught by the presenters, student participants were asked to pitch a solution for a popular Australian company known as Burger Urge. They were posed the question, "How can Burger Urge fit in the local market if it opens stores in China?" Every group of participants prepared a presentation for this question based on SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and their own cultural knowledge of China. In the end, four presented fantastic business solutions, with some even coming up with their own new burger ideas!

This was a truly beneficial experience for everyone. Thank you to everyone from QUT who came so far from Australia to visit. We are thrilled QUT will be back again in March 2019 to sponsor the Avenir 2019 competition!

To register for the upcoming competition, please scan the QR code below. We look forward to seeing you there!

(Article written by: Elena Ma, Grade 11 Student)