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Apr 30 2020


Dennis Wang

Beijing City International School (BCIS) Grade 12 Art students have taken the Secondary School (SS) Visual Art 2020 Exhibition online. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on public gatherings, SS Art teachers, Monique Smith and Barbara Balmer, worked with students to launch this year's Grade 12 Art Exhibition , showcasing the students work to the public in an online 3D gallery experience.

The exhibition features 18 IBDP and IDEATE student artists who submitted from four to 20 artworks each, with some students also sharing their reflections and process portfolios for display. Student artworks focus on a variety themes, from personal experience and identity to exploring societal norms and stereotypes, and technical architectural drawings to human form compositions, all created as part of their IBDP or IDEATE portfolios. Select an artist and collection to enter the 3D gallery and immerse yourself in the interactive gallery experience. Reflecting on the exhibition, Ms Monique Smith said, "The online exhibition has been a good alternative, and a great experience with an easy and fun to use platform. If you haven't seen the artworks yet check them out!" Click here to experience the BCIS SS Visual Art Exhibition in full