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Jan 15 2019

FLUX 2019!

Greg Choi

Ladies and gentlemen, once again, the Flux Film Festival is dawning upon us! The annual event, which is run by BCIS students and staff members, aims to celebrate the ingenuity and creativity of students across the world. By giving the youth a chance to dream, create, and enter a short film in any, or all of the exciting categories available, the event serves as a platform for entrants to communicate and share their messages worldwide.

Founded in 2012 by a number of BCIS students, Flux stands as a showcase that allows film to permeate and educate audiences of differing backgrounds on a grand scale. Students from BCIS have worked and collaborated with a host of professional and renown judges, as well as leading industries to date. Some of these have been quite instrumental in helping to make the event the great success it is today. Last year, Flux moved overseas, involving schools from all over the world to participate. This year, students are hoping to continue this tradition and raise awareness on many global issues that occur in our society. There are a number of categories topics which all people can relate to, and we are looking forward to sharing these with everyone.

For more information, please visit the official website at https://fluxfilm.myfreesites.net.